Friday, February 26, 2016

GRACIANO T NEPOMUCENO ….. “ Our Lady of the Assumption”

Graciano T Nepomuceno. [ 1881 – 1974 ]
Carved and painted wood.
Sculpture:- 61cm high x 28cm wide x 14cm deep
Base :- 21cm high x 24cm wide x 28cm deep

Signed. “ G T Nepo ”
Circa :- early 1900's


This is beautiful version of “ Our Lady of the Assumption” by Nepomuceno, depicts Our Lady looking up serenely into the heavens, knowing She is going home to Her Son.
Her hands are both clasped to Her chest not in prayer but more in adoration of Her God.
While striking this pose Her left heal is on the head of the serpent.
Genesis 3 : 15 “ And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

Our Lady is dressed in a gold dress with flecks of red on it. The dress is round necked, long sleeves and is caught around the waist with a gold sash.
Her cape is draped over Her right shoulder and is wrapped right around Her body.
It is interesting how the cape is carved so the inside can be seen as well, especially on the left side and around Her back and it is being blown up behind Her head as she is rising up to heaven. The cape is trimmed with gold.

She has no head covering and Her hair is being blown over Her right shoulder.

She is standing on a cloud as she rises up to heaven. Her feet are bare and be seen protruding from under Her dress as she stands on the cloud.
The snake can also be seen under Her dress, its head coming out from beneath Her left foot, it has a red apple in its mouth. Its body can be seen under the dress on the left side and its tail can be seen coming out behind Her right foot.

The base is in the shape of a cloud with three Angels looking out, the three have brown hair and wings.

The base stands on another base that is six sided and painted dark brown.

Distinguishing marks.
The sculpture and the top of the cloud are one piece of wood, the join is on the middle of the cloud and the bottom of the cloud and six sided base are one piece of wood.
The sculpture is in excellent condition, all fingers and toes are accounted for and the face has no damage.
The paint is in good condition considering the age of the piece.
The cloud is painted pale blue and the six sided lower base is brown.

The sculpture is signed on the back right side, below the tail of the snake, “G T Nepo”

This is a very nice sculpture By Nepomuceno, taking religious Art into Fine Art Sculpture.

Written by,

Mark Shellshear
Art consultant.

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