Friday, February 5, 2016



Holy Trinity ”… original title unknown.

painted and sculpted wood.
72cm high x 29cm wide x 19cm deep.

Signed lower right back, “ G T NEPO .. 1935. ”


This is a very interesting depiction of the Holy Trinity by Nepomuceno. It is an intriguing composition of the three, clustered into one, very representative of the Biblical teaching of the Trinity, the three are one.

It shows God the Father standing tall in full regal splendour with Christ crucified on the cross in front of Him.

God the Father is dressed in a white long tunic with a red cloak over His shoulders and it is caught in the front.

He is wearing a thee crowned tiara on His head.
His hair is long and curly and falls onto his shoulders.
He has a beard and His gaze is straight ahead, as if lost in the agony and death of His beloved Son.
The feet of God the Father can be seen under the robe and they are uncovered.

God the Father is holding the cross on which Jesus was crucified, His hands are clearly seen holding the cross.
Christ on the cross is presented dead and bleeding, the nails are visible in His hands and feet and the piercing of the spear can be clearly seen on the left side of His chest.

The Holy Spirit is portrayed as the dove and forms the top of the cross, with its wings outstretched.
It certainly does give a real sense of the time when Christ hung on the cross and was carrying all the sins of mankind.
Yet even in this lost and lonely time God the Father is depicted in this sculpture as still with Christ, supporting Him by holding up this terrible cross.
It is a wonderful portrayal of the Holy Trinity together at the climax of the ages, the death of Christ.

Jesus Christ on cross is wearing a loin cloth, it is not the romantic Christ represented here, but the dead Christ shown, dying for mankind.

The Holy Spirit is very nicely carved and painted blue.

It is very interesting how the Holy Spirit is carved into the cross and even is the top of the cross with His wings outstretched.

The other very interesting fact is how the hands of God the Father are under the cross holding it up and how the cross becomes part of the front of the cloths of God the Father.

This sculpture not only is a beautiful piece but it tells an amazing story of the salvation of mankind and told in a wonderful descriptive way, showing the Holy Trinity, all present at the time of the crucifixion.

The base is eight sided and relief carved and painted black and green.

Distinguishing marks.

The sculpture is signed at the bottom left side of the back on the robe,
GT NEPO. 1935. ”

The base is relief carved on the front and sides, but not carved on the back.

The sculpture is in good repair considering its age and there are no visible repairs.

The cross is set into the front of God the Fathers tunic and the Holy Spirit is also set into the cross.

Written by,

Mark Shellshear.
Art consultant.

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