Saturday, February 6, 2016


Graciano Nepomuceno [ 1881 – 1974]

Title:- “ Ecce homo.”

cast marble
35cm high x 22cm wide x 25cm deep

Signed:-                    " G.T. NEPOMUCENO
                                                       ECCE HOMO

ECCE HOMO - ek'-se ho'-mo (idou ho anthropos)
"Behold, the man!" John 19: 5.
Pilate's statement regarding Jesus during His trial. While the significance of this statement is somewhat debatable, yet there is little doubt, as judged from his attitude and statement immediately following, that Pilate was endevoring to appeal to the accusers' sympathies and to point out to them the manly qualities of Jesus.

Ecce homo ("behold the man", Latin:[ˈɛkkɛˈhɔmoː]) are the Latin words used by Pontius Pilate in the Vulgate translation of John 19:15 when he presents a scourged Jesus Christ, bound, robed in purple and crowned with thorns to a hostile crowd shortly before his Crucifixion.
"Behold the man!"JOHN 19:5.
The scene has been widely depicted in Christian art.

This is a classic Nepomuceno sculpture of the head of Jesus Christ, portraying the abused Christ before the Roman court on trial before a reluctant Pilate and a hostile crowd.

This sculpture certainly captures the anguish and despair on the face of Christ, the look on the face of the scourged Christ was that of appealing to God the Father rather than Pilate.
It is a very compelling sculpture, to describe the relevant features of this sculpture would take away from its compelling nature.

Sometime one comes across a piece that one needs to view in silence to really understand the dramatic story behind the sculpture.
It is a beautiful bust of Christ that captures a moment in time at his trial.
The bust stands upon a round pillar base.

Distinguishing marks.
It is signed on the back of the sculpture:-

                                     " G.T. NEPOMUCENO 
                                                             ECCE HOMO


This is truly a remarkable sculpture by Nepomuceno. 
His rendition of the abused Christ is masterful and in many ways inspired and for me one of the most touching of the sculptures represented in this stunning collection of Philippine Masters.

This is a must see sculpture in this Masters collection. 

Written by,

Mark Shellshear.
Art consultant.

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