Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Anastacio T. Caedo.... “ THE RISEN CHRIST ”

Anastacio T. Caedo.... “ THE RISEN CHRIST ”

also known as “ The Triune Christ:- The Risen Christ, The Sacred Heart and Macho Christo”
By Anastacio T Caedo [1907 – 1990]
marble cast.
75.5 cm high x 28 cm wide
Signed on the back, A T Caedo.

Significant note:- In 1966, this sculpture “THE RISEN CHRIST” won the Gold Medal at the Philippine Art Exposition.


The Sculptors depiction of the Risen Christ is quite wonderful, he has placed the Risen Christ on top of a cloud as it moves through the air and the Resurrected Christ is glowing with health and strength, radiant in His triumph over death.

 The Risen Christ is still wrapped in His prayer shawl but it is loose and he is free of its binding constrictions. The shawl no longer binds Him in death and now it is under his right foot, death is defeated and the shawl flows up the back of his left leg, wraps around his waist and continues up his back and flows out from His left shoulder up into the air waving in the breeze as the Risen Christ flies through the air.

 On the top and bottom edges of the shawl lines can clearly be seen across the folds. This would indicate that it is a prayer shawl, the folds on the bottom are quite exaggerated and the lines are clearly seen etched into the marble.
He is a smiling Christ looking down and forward.

 The face of the Christ is beautifully carved, the features are precise and distinct, his eyes are smiling and the very skilful technique of placing a dot of marble on the eye ball gives the eyes that wonderful life like quality.
The beard, eye brows and hair are carefully carved to show precise detail and the hair falls onto his shoulders and around the back of His neck.
As the Risen Christ smiles His teeth are revealed, His lips are full and His nose is strong and straight.
His ear lobes can be seen protruding from under his hair line.
His sacred heart can be seen on the outside of His chest.

 His torso is that of a strong well built man, full of health and vitality as we would imagine the Risen Christ to be after conquering death and sin, quite a magnificent looking man.
His legs and feet are bare and each foot has the nail holes in it , the evidence of His crucifixion.

Both hands are reaching forward as if to gather in humanity and on both wrists are the nail holes from His crucifixion.
The sculpture is signed on the back of the sculpture below His left foot. It is signed A.T. Caedo, it is not printed but signed as he would his signature.

Distinguishing marks,
On the left foot, the first and second toe are cut deeper at the toe nail than on the other toes.
The second finger on the left hand has a cut line across top of the finger at the first knuckle, not seen on the other fingers.
Interesting note, the nail holes on this Caedo sculpture are seen on the feet and on the wrists, but on his sculpture “ Pietra ” the nail holes are seen on the feet and the hands. It would be interesting to know why he used different two versions of the stigmata?

Writtern by,
 Mark E Shellshear.
Art Consultant.


  1. Hello Mark. Thank you for your blog. This is a maquette for the large scale sculpture the late Professor made. It is sad that his grandson acquired a copy and had it remolded and unashamedly present it as his own sample of his artwork or for his entry in group shows to deceive would be clients.

  2. Hello Mark. Thank you for your blog. This is a maquette for the large scale sculpture the late Professor made. It is sad that his grandson acquired a copy and had it remolded and unashamedly present it as his own sample of his artwork or for his entry in group shows to deceive would be clients.

  3. Hello Mark. Thank you for your blog. This is a maquette for the large scale sculpture the late Professor made. It is sad that his grandson acquired a copy and had it remolded and unashamedly present it as his own sample of his artwork or for his entry in group shows to deceive would be clients.

  4. Hello Mark. Thank you for your blog. This is a maquette for the large scale sculpture the late Professor made. It is sad that his grandson acquired a copy and had it remolded and unashamedly present it as his own sample of his artwork or for his entry in group shows to deceive would be clients.
