Saturday, April 23, 2016

Mark Shellshear, Thoughts on buying original Art.

Buying original Art.I.

When you are looking for a painting that you will love and enjoy living with for many years, here are some thoughts on buying.
I cannot say this enough, do not be rushed into the sale.
Buy your painting, not from a sales person, but from someone who loves Art, and sells it for a profession.
Do not let sales people or the urgency of an Auction rush you into buying, if you miss it then it was not meant to be.
I have people bring me paintings that they bought in the excitement and feeding frenzy of the auction or from sales pressure and find they have spent to much for the painting and now they cannot even sell it for what they paid for it.
I say all of this just to caution you.
Buy the Art work because you love it.
Buy the Art work from someone who loves Art and is not just a sales person.
Buy work you have thought about and have not been rushed into the sale.
Buy work the gives you good value for your money.
Buy work that will bring you joy for many years.
Happy collecting.

Buying original Art, II.

First of all, the number one reason for buying a painting and collecting Art, you buy it because, you love it.

Research the paintings you like, find out all you can about it.
Once you have an idea of the value of the paintings, begin to search out the paintings in the Galleries or Auction houses of your choice.
Set a budget and stick to it, especially at an auction.
At a Gallery check out the best price you can and never be afraid to walk away, after all it is just a painting.

When you love paintings and sculpture, it will consume your life, therefore everyone who buys a work of art, wants to go from the transaction happy and satisfied that they got a good and fair deal.
If we are all happy with the outcome then the world is a nice place.

I want my collectors to love the work of Art that they have purchased and to want to live with it and it is my hope and desire that the painting or sculpture that they purchased will bring them lots of joy.
Collecting is a wonderful pursuit that can bring the collector much joy and happiness.
Happy collecting.

Mark Shellshear.

Maybe you have never bought an original painting from an Art Gallery?

Buying original Art III.

When you consider purchasing a painting, an original piece of Art, remember our first point, buy what you love.
The painting or sculpture that you are buying, is something quite unique, the work of a talented Artist that will increase in value over your lifetime.
You will become the owner of a work of Art, an original one of a kind piece, originating out of the creative life of the artist.
Demonstrating all the insight, the feelings, the trials and the Artists interpretation of how they see their world and their expression of it.
When you buy a work of Art you are buying into the life of the Artist and in a way you are getting some of the Artist in the purchase, all that the Artist has put into the painting and the journey that the Artist has been on to get to that place where they have able to paint this particular work.
Part of the Artists journey of discovery is revealed within the particular work you purchase.

Happy collecting.
Mark Shellshear.

Buying original Art IV.

Buying an original painting is so much more significant than a photographic print of a painting which there could be hundreds of copies produced.
An original painting gives you a part of the artists life, you are buying into a moment of time in the Artists life, when at this point of their career this painting was completed.
It is very significant for collectors to grasp this idea of the Artist being able to complete a certain painting at a certain moment in time and then as that moment passes they move onto the next painting, leaving this legacy of that moment in time.
Paintings are like the life markers of the Artists life, they point to a certain time and only that time in the Artists life, as the Artist has since moved on.
Buying original Art is buying into the Artists life.
Happy collecting.

Mark Shellshear .

Buying original Art V.

When buying an original painting, you must choose the one which you truly love and can imagine seeing it on the wall of your home. You need to imagine yourself living with this painting and asking yourself will it bring me and my family joy and all those who see it.

Beautiful original paintings come at a price.
A high price is no guarantee that your purchase will be a good investment, so buy what you love and consider it in the long term as you will be living with the painting for many years.

When hung on your wall, an original painting will transform a room, altering the space around it, a painting is so much more than just an image in oil or acrylic on canvas or a piece to match the decor. The painting must enhance the space and demand attention, it is the focal point of the room.
It is the unique expression of the Artist, it is a statement of their creativity, at a certain moment in time in their life and their individual vision of the world that they lived in it at that particular time and it is a one of a kind, something very special.

Buying your first painting can be a lot of fun and it will bring you joy and satisfaction and could be the beginning of your own collection of beautiful art works.
Happy collecting.

Mark Shellshear .

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