Sunday, May 24, 2015


Collectors Collection,       BEING AN EMPOWERED COLLECTOR

                                                                 " Girl with a flower '
                                                                    Isabelo Tampinco
                                                                       cast marble

Last post I talked about the need to be a wise, informed collector and research what you want to purchase, in this post I would like to talk about why it is very important that you shop around, ask questions and research what you want to collect.

“ CAVEAT EMPTOR “... Buyer beware.

A sculpture has come to the Gallery for sale, it was a very beautiful piece and made by a well known sculptor, who passed away many years ago. I do not want to name the Sculptor or the well known piece but I want to use this as an example of the collector needing to research and know about what they are about to buy.

I was at an auction earlier this year when this very same sculpture came up for sale, it was bid up to above PHP350,000 and was sold to some unknowing collector.
That same sculpture came be bought for less than PHP100,000 in our Gallery. 

What happened?
Who is at fault here?
The Auction House or the buyer?
Well not to create to much controversy for myself, I presume that the Auction House was instructed to put the reserve on it that they advertised and then it was put up for bidding and went to the selling price.
Maybe the Auction House should have done a little more due diligence to research the piece and find out how many were in existence and at what price they had previously sold at, then they could have advised the seller of the existence of other pieces and a more realistic price that they could have hoped for, but there job is to do as instructed by the seller and sell the piece for whatever it brings under the hammer.
That does not make it right.
What about the buyer of the piece?
The collector, do they have a responsibility?

When they previewed the piece before the auction was held, they should have researched the piece on the internet and taken the time to search out people who know of the work and if there are any other pieces like it in existence.
Once they knew they true value of the sculpture they could have let it be passed in and then negotiate with the owner of the piece later.
But there were other bidders?
 Yes, but still the knowledgeable collector would have known of the inflated price and stayed out of the auction knowing full well that the other bidders were not aware of the true value of the art work or of the other pieces still in existence.

Most of the cast marble pieces are part of a series and some are still in existence, though they are old it still amazes me how they can resurface and being a cast piece there is sure to be more than one.

It is not my intention to cast the blame at anyone but to say to our valued friends of the Gallery, if you are going to pay a lot of money for a piece of art, research the art, talk to people about it, those pro and those against. Go around to other galleries ask questions, you will find someone who knows something about the art work that you are considering.

Collecting art is a wonderful passion.

Mark Shellshear
Art Consultant.

                                                            " Girl with horn of grapes "
                                                                         F.R. Monti
                                                                   cast marble...  1938

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