Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Collectors Collection.. Building depth around and Artist.

                  The opening of "PUK U ART" at Galeria de las Islas, 3rd of October, 2015.

I recently came across a statement made by by a collector that made me think about strengthening the building your Art Collection. He said how he was part of a small auction on household pieces of an estate and he deliberately went there to buy an art work by an Artist that he collected. The piece was an undistinguished small painting by the artist on paper but it was very different from his normal work. The Artist was a contemporary painter who concentrated on large powerful works, this painting in the auction was a scene of a woman sitting at a kitchen table preparing a meal. As I said a very undistinguished painting and he paid very little for it.
Why did the collector want it?
Because he wanted some obscure paintings by the artist that would build more of the character of the artists life and his paintings into his collection.

Collector Chandler Coventry said,” Try and amass as many diverse pieces by an Artist as possible and these include incongruous works, so by the time your collection is mature, you have depth and breadth.”

Of course it is very important to get the best paintings from your favoured Artist as is possible and this requires research and know when to buy and how much to pay. It does not help your collection to pay far more for your favoured Artist in an Auction just because someone wants to bid up the price, set your price limits and do not move from them, if you do not get that painting today, you never know when it could come back on the market again.
As well as buying these important pieces, seek out the obscure works by your favored Artist. See if you can find very early pieces, pieces on paper and even doodles and scribbles by the artist, these all add to the depth of your collection and especially if the Artist is living and will acknowledge these obscure pieces and sign them.
No piece by your favored Artist is not worth having especially if it is authenticated by the Artist or if the Artist is not alive by the Gallery that represented him.
I know a collector who when he goes to his favored Artist to buy a painting always looks around the studio for paper and small canvas cut off and brush wiping on cloth that the Artist would dispose of anyway and ask for them and get the Artist to sign them, he sees them as an important part of his collection, they gave history to the best works and gives a little incite into the Artist.
As you pursue your passion for collecting, do not forget the little things that others would not be interested in. The best thing about a lot of Collectors is that they do not think obscure and undistinguished pieces of an Artist are worth having, they see no value in these things of little value but added to your collection they bring value to you because they build the back story of the Artist.
They are so never over look these little gems they will enhance your collection and make the great paintings shine even brighter.
I do hope this has been a help for you and if you need any help or advice with you collection or collecting needs, please contact our Gallery Team at Galeria de las Islas and they will do all they can to help and assist you.
Enjoy your passion.

Written for Galeria de las Islas by,

Mark Shellshear.
Art consultant.
                   Inside Galeria de las Islas, showcasing " PUK U ART" all of October,2015.