Monday, September 28, 2015

Anastacio Caedo.. “ Jose Rizal”

Anastacio Caedo.. “ Jose Rizal”

 Sculpture by Anastacio Cadeo [1907 – 1990]
Marble cast.
Sculpture:- 55 cm high x 23 cm deep x 40 cm wide.
Base:- 20.5 cm x 22cm.
Dated 1966.
This sculpture of Jose Rizal by Anastacio Caedo captures a very serene look on a young Rizal.
The delicate sculptural work of the eye brows and mustache are outstanding, the eyes are looking forward as if he is looking past his present time and into the future. He is self assured, yet thoughtful, calm and confident.

Hi hair, face and ears are all masterly executed. 
His cloths are of his time, well sculptured but not intruding or taking away from the portrait.
His coat is open showing a collared waist coat with three buttons, a straight collared shirt with a cravat.

 The sculpture is signed on the left side of the base:-
                                                                                     A T CAEDO 1966
It is also inscribed on the front of the base:-
                                                                                         Jose Rizal.
This is in script as his signature would be. 

The sculpture bust is a v shape at the front and the back is cut straight across the back.
The base comes from under the sculpture as a curved column and moulds into a nearly square base that is 5cm high.

“ Though the bust entry in the Jose Rizal National Centennial Commission only won third prize.
It was this Rizal bust that was chosen by the Commission as the official token given to foreign diplomats and not the winning entry by Tolentino.” Philippine Star November 2008.

This is an exceptional Rizal bust, handsome and stately.

Written by,
Mark E Shellshear.
Art consultant.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Isabelo L Tampinco. “ Girl with four braids.”

Isabelo L Tampinco. “ Girl with four braids.”….[ Original title unknown.]

Sculpture by Isabelo L Tampinco. [ 1850 – 1933.]
cast marble.
Sculpture. 42cm high x 19cm wide x 14cm deep.
Base. 15cm square x 6cm high.
Signed on the back “ I.L.T. - 1885 Manila.

Isabelo Tampincos handling of this delicate sculpture is masterful.
This beautiful little girl sits with her head bowed forward. She has a very serene look of one who has been sitting patiently as her mother has plated her hair.
She is still young with a round baby face.
Tampinco has beautifully sculptured the lips, nose, eyes and eye brows, her eyes have the look of tranquility in them.

 Both ears are seen and delicately carved.
The hair is the most ornate part of the sculpture, there are four braids. The hair is brushed to the front and to the back and to the front on both sides, then tied off with a band and then braided and pulled to the center top of her head, where they are formed into a bun and tied off with another band.
The front braid and the two side braids are very clearly plated and beautifully carved.

The back braid, is not as ornately carved and it seems that the same care of plating the hair was not taken here as with the other three braids. This can be seen clearly as there is no tie band at the back like the other three braids, which is very interesting.

 Two parts in the hair can be seen clearly on both sides of the head, but there is no part at the back.

 The top of the chest of the girl is beautifully formed and the sculpture ends on the shoulders, centre chest and top of the back.
The bust sits on its own base, which adds to the drama of the piece.
The sculpture is in very good condition, no cracks or chips can be seen. Under the bust is also smooth with no blemishes.
The signature is clearly seen on the back of the sculpture, signed:- I L T      [initials].
                                                                                                    1885 Manila

 The sculpture at the time of writing is 130 years old.
There are no distinguishing marks.

This is a very early Tampinco sculpture executed with a sensitivity for beautiful young girl.
Maybe he watched a child getting her hair braided by her mother and saw the tender love of the mother and the patience of the child.
The look on the face of the child is that contentment.
This is a beautiful, charming sculpture by Tampinco.

Written by,
Mark E Shellshear.
Art consultant

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Austin Niko Suarez, “ Grunge Street Art by the New Contender."

“ Grunge Street Art by the New Contender.

 " Bad Apple"
22ins x 14 ins

Austin Niko Suarez, Newest paintings.

Continuing to build his reputation for the right to have a shot at the throne the New Contender Austin Niko Suarez sends off another flurry of punches as he launches his new “street grunge” paintings.
These painting are straight off the streets of Metro Manila, raw and honest. 
They are painted in acrylic paint and mixed media, painted on found wood discarded from a city construction site.
Not to waste anything these discarded pieces of ply wood have been taken and given a new life as wonderful expressive eccentric paintings, straight from the street to challenge the norm and scream out,
“ New Art, LOOK at ME!”

" Sleep walker and Royal jelly"
24ins x 16ins

Austin's sense of the whimsical and surreal, that strikes straight at the heart is once again displayed here these four paintings, raw Austin proclaiming his right to contend for the throne.

" Purple Haze"
21.5ins x 12ins.
" Harm and Throne"
14ins x 24ins

Austin's paintings tell of the hard streets of Manila, grunge paintings and like all New Contenders he is pushing hard for a title fight.

Austin is the New Contender.

written by,
Mark E Shellshear
Art consultant.